Huron Stewardship Committee By Rev. Andra Townshend O'Neill It has been a challenging year and so many have responded with faithful...
By Rev. Matthew Kieswetter Relatively early on in the pandemic, a local Bible chapel lobbied the government to reopen. The news...
GROWING BEYOND THE DOORS By Ven. Graham Bland The meaning of Stewardship is being refreshed, for me, by the pandemic. Every day, we...
By Rev. Raymond Hodgson This is the day that the Lord has made. This day is the Lord’s. What will we do with… …This day full of...
By Ven. Kim Van Allen How do we talk about stewardship during an international pandemic? People are willingly isolating themselves...
By Ven. Graham Bland Part of my dismay about our Church’s preoccupation with its own demise is that sometimes it feels we have...
By Rev. Matthew Kieswetter I write this in the days following the release of the newest Star Wars movie: The Rise of Skywalker. Let’s...
By Rev. Raymond Hodgson You can find a lot of books, TV-shows, blogs, and YouTube videos giving advice about time management, how to...
By Ven. Graham Bland A lament in our Church troubles my soul … it’s about our numerical decline and loss of ground. It’s troubling...
By Andra Townshend O’Neill Freely freely you have receivedFeely freely giveGo in my name and because you believeOthers will know that...
By Rev. Matthew Kieswetter I have a vague childhood memory of my mom instructing me to collect and arrange some old plastic food...
By Ven. Graham Bland I am not a fan of ‘survival’ talk. Digging bunkers and hunkering down against future catastrophe does not appeal...
By Andra Townshend O’Neill Is it in response to the generosity of God? That may not be the first thing that comes to mind. For...
By Rev. Matthew Kieswetter I don’t know about you, but I find that I go through periods where a certain part of the liturgy sticks out...
By Ven. Graham Bland In Stewardship ministry, it is not sustainable simply to develop good fund-raising ideas. You have to know what...
By Rev. Raymond Hodgson Stewardship homilies/articles/workshops can be unpleasant experiences for the writer/presenter. There are...
By Rev. Matthew Kieswetter With the pandemic shrinking distance (in a virtual sense), I reached out by email to Susan Graham Walker,...
By Rev. Andra Townshend O'Neill For many years we had a magnificent old dutch elm tree on our front lawn, a majestic reminder of...