By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases,his mercies never come to an end;they are new every...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon For the last few years, parishes within the Diocese of Huron have prepared, reviewed and deployed Mission and...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon While some of the components of Education for Ministry remain constant over the years (study of Old...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon Did you know that theological reflection works in the same ways that our minds work? When we find...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon When you read the word “context”, what comes to mind? According to the Oxford dictionary context is “the...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon What is it to be a disciple of Jesus? Of course in Jesus’ day his disciples ‘followed’ him, they accompanied...
by Rev. Val Kenyon Close to the heart of what it means to be human lies the dynamic process of finding and making meaning in our...
By Rev. Val Kenyon ‘Iron sharpens iron, and one person sharpens the wits of another.’ Proverbs 27:17 In a number of CBC...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon Several years ago, like many others these days, I participated in a test to learn more about the components...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon As we read this issue of the Huron Church News, we have recently, or are just about to celebrate the most...