By Bishop Linda Nicholls Even as we shouted, ‘Christ is Risen! The Lord is Risen, indeed! Alleluia!!’ across the world in Sri Lanka...
By Rev. Marty Levesque At vestries this past year Bishop Linda Nicholls challenged congregations throughout the Diocese of Huron to...
By Laurel Pattenden I can hardly wait for spring. Nature bursting with new buds and countless shades of green growth. Each day it...
By Rev. Steve Greene He is risen!!! Words that exude the hope we profess each day. From the wilderness and darkness of Lent to...
By Rev. Susan Bagshaw I didn’t quite know how it would end up but my Lenten journey 2019 started out with a 2′ by 3′ canvas before me...
By Bishop Todd Townshend One year ago, when the phrase “novel coronavirus” was fairly new to us, it had already begun its reign of...
By Rev. Canon Val Kenyon As we read this issue of the Huron Church News, we have recently, or are just about to celebrate the most...
By Laurel Pattenden As everyone’s region changes Covid-19 colour code as quickly as the corner traffic light, I am always wondering...
By Bishop Todd Townshend On Good Friday, a public intellectual and scientist in the UK tweeted a short comment making fun of those who...