By Bonnie G. Rees Our Lenten observances this year have been compromised by circumstances. The COVID-19 pandemic has closed our...
Fall is here! My favourite season! Perhaps summer weather has lingered, giving us warm days and cool nights. Harvest is almost over....
Women are in tune with the cycles of life. Even our bodies are in constant flux over the course of a month. Major changes occur...
Advent defined: arrival that has been awaited (especially of something momentous). The Messiah, the Saviour, will finally arrive. For...
The traditions of our church regale the accomplishments of the great leaders who have led us to Jesus. Prophets, apostles, martyrs,...
For the answer to our grandchildren’s queries of the heading above: The women of St. James’ Church, Stratford, are an amazing group of...
Normally around the 6th of May, we at the Church of the Ascension Windsor, have a Eucharistic service to honor those who served in the...